Unfortunately, due to a lack of NHS dentists not only at John Holmes but in the UK, we have no option but to temporarily reduce our current NHS provision…
- This will not affect you if you are a private or Denplan patient
- With full support from the NHS and our local area team, we have had no choice but to only offer full NHS dental care to our most at-risk patients
- This is all patients ages 0-18 and 65+
- If you have not been in to see a dentist since Jan 2019 unfortunately, we cannot see you at the practice
- If you fall out of these age groups you will be moved to a waiting list and contacted once we have an NHS dentist in place, I cannot tell you currently how long this may take
- If you fall out of the age group and have a dental emergency, please call NHS 111 and advise them you do not have a registered dentist
- If you are an NHS patient unfortunately we cannot see you privately
- If you have been seen in the last 2 months and your treatment has failed or have an emergency relating to treatment done in the last 2 months, we will be able to see you
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: If you can’t see me under the NHS could you see me privately?
A: Unfortunately, we are not able to see you private for routine care
Please note: Patients who are NHS cannot be seen privately for routine care. However, if you’re a patient who is not registered at the practice and want to be seen as a new private patient – you can be seen privately or you will be put on a waiting list.
Q: Will I be seen again once I turn 65 years old?
A: No, due to us not being able to see more patients
Q: My Adult child is vulnerable can you see them?
A: Unfortunately no as we haven’t got the ability to see more than this specific group of people
If you wish to escalate this decision and complain or have an important question to ask our team about the letter you received, please fill in the below form.